Member’s Area
Please edit your profile so you are featured in our Practitioner Directory.
To edit:
Click this link to open your profile: Your Account
Within the pop-up box, click “Edit your profile”
Once you are done making changes, scroll to the bottom of the popup and click “update profile”.
You can also access this by going to “Membership” on the menu at the top of every page, then “Your Account” (if you are logged in - if you are not yet logged in it will say “Member’s Area” instead of “Your Account”).
NOTE: Updates may take up to 4 hours to show on the website!
The Member’s Area on this page is just getting started.
Coming soon:
We are still working out how best to populate and organise the new Practitioner Directory. We will let you know when we have a system that we think works. In the meantime, you can view it as it is so far at
Peer Supervision Circles